Leather bags refer to handbags made of leather, belonging to daily necessities. A leather bag is a bag made of genuine leather or artificial leather. Leather bags are more expensive, mainly including: money purses, briefcase purses, book purses, etc.; according to the gender of the user, it can be divided into male purses and female purses. Leather bags are generally small in size and mainly contain more expensive things. There are 3 ways to distinguish whether the bag is true or not:
Observe the material
Observe the characteristics
Explore the difference
Observe the material introduce.
During identification, the materials should be checked first to determine the type of leather. If the “dermis” grain surface layer is used without modification, the surface leather with original natural characteristics:The pores of the cowhide are small, irregular and relatively uniform; the pores of the goat skin are “tile-like” in rows; the pigskin has three holes in a pile, which are distributed in the shape of the word; the fiber of the yellow cowhide is fine; the buffalo is rough and the pores are large. If the grain surface layer loses its original characteristics after modification, it should be carefully classified and identified according to the processing technology.
Observe the characteristics introduce.
Painted with aniline is called aniline leather, which is characterized by a crystal bright surface, which is very bright, but not dazzling, and has no plastic feeling. Natural leather is cooked into leather. The cowhide is generally 5-6mm thick. The surface layer is a grained layer with fine and compact tissue fibers, smooth and beautiful, with good strength and wear resistance; the inner layer is a suede layer with thick fibers and large gaps. There are fluff on the surface. The surface of the first layer leather is smoother and flatter than that of the second layer leather, and the second layer leather is slightly rougher. After the second layer leather is painted, filmed or pasted, the surface will not be rough, but the filmed leather has poor low temperature resistance and is prone to wrinkles when the temperature is low.
The cowhide second-layer leather is flat and has no obvious defects after embossing, while the pigskin second-layer leather is often faintly visible with three piles of pores, where the luster is dark. When distinguishing between trimmed leather and front leather, it should be noted that the trimmed leather destroys the original grain layer and then presses the pattern. The pattern type can imitate cow, sheep, pigskin, etc., but the pattern has no pores and the pattern is floating. On the surface of the skin, there are pores on the front leather, which can be identified by careful observation.
Explore the difference introduce.
Artificial leather is coated with a layer of organic material on the cloth base, which is divided into two types: thin (imitation sheep leather) and thick (coated with foamed organic material, and then pressed with patterns). Synthetic leather is made by pressing with organic fibers and then adding coating and lamination patterns. Recycled leather is made by grinding the leather slag and leather fiber, bonding it with an adhesive under high pressure to form a sheet, then passing the sheeting machine to the required thickness, and then coating it to make it have certain leather characteristics, and it is used in large quantities for bags. Leather goods, a small amount is used to make shoes.